Tuesday 27 September 2011


Confession: I had chocolate today. And when I say I "had", I mean I had like 4 spoons of deliciously seductive Nutella. I KNOW I KNOW! Gaaah today was a splurge day. However, I plan to remedy my unfortunate binge with a yoga session and fresh-veggies-only diet for the next few days.

One thing I'm happy I've learned is that it's ok to fall off the good-wagon sometimes. Very few people know that in the past I've dealt with bulemia and a term of anorexia. Also paired with an obsession of at least a daily trip of 3 hours mins to the gym and pool. This was during the summer before my senior year in highschool and I dropped weight to a scary point. Once I came clean about that problem I obviously put on some weight and since then I've been battling to get it back down to a good level but in a HEALTHY way.

This is one of the main reasons why I'm so passionate about going green and taking care of one's self. When I was putting my body through that I was lethargic and unhappy all the time. Now that I'm slowly but steadily losing weight in the good way (proper food and regular exercise), I'm feeling better and better about myself. I also don't obsess over every single calorie I take in because if I want to enjoy a few sweets one night, I'll indulge. But the next few days I'll keep it light and simple just to balance things out.

I wanted to open up a little bit here because I know some people go through things like this and those who do keep quiet about it. Many people think they can tell what a person is like just by how they act in public, but from personal experience, appearances are not at all always paired up with what you see.

I've come up with a few tricks that keep me INSPIRED to work harder and to keep to my goal.
One thing is TIME!
IT.WILL.TAKE.TIME! I need to keep repeating that to myself because I can be damn impatient sometimes.
I've also gotten into the habit of watching cooking shows. Some people find this to be torturous, but along with learning new ways to cook up simple recipes, I can watch Chef John how to make a chocolate mousse cake and moan at the sight of melted chocolate being whipped. I enjoy it! It's what people call "food porn". If I imagine what the dessert tastes like and can imagine eating it, I somehow stop craving it!! Try it out and tell me if it works for you! Maybe I'm just a little weird that way :)

MMmmm :P

Anywho, the main reason for this post is to give you (and me) some SLIM-SPIRATION! Pictures of beautiful women who's bodies I hope to have someday soon.
Starting with the always lovely, and classic American beauty, Jennifer Aniston (ALL PICTURES OFF OF GOOGLE.COM)
Finishing off with the ever so classy and beautiful, Marylin Monroe (who by the way, was a size 14, did you know that?).

One thing I want to clear up is that I don't want a stick thin body. I don't believe beauty comes from looking like a 12 year old boy's body has been replaced with yours. I love my curves and wish to keep as much of them. I want to be slimmer, that's all. I "love" my "love-handles" (am I the only lady who does?) and I'm quiet proud of my badonkadonk (hey, at least I can fill out a proper pair of jeans!). Call me conceited if you like, I just have a positive outlook about my body and I know what to appreciate.
It's taken a while to get here, but I'm happy I arrived.

I want everyone reading this to please look at yourself in the mirror and name 5 GOOD things you love about yourself for every not-so-nice thing you see (because we all have those I-hate-my___ moments). So instead of focusing all on the negative, make up 5-times fold for it!

LOVE YOURSELF (insert innuendo here), but really, be happy with yourself. If you don't like something, simple as a pimple: CHANGE IT. Because YOU can, no one else.

Stay beautiful everyone! Lots of love :)

-S xx

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