Sunday 11 September 2011

A little something on my mind.

A few of my girlfriends and I were having a conversation the other night. It was a typical "girls talk" moment and we were on the subject of how looks affect the way we feel (refer to my previous post on 'pampering oneself'). One of my friends , let's call her M, kept comparing herself to Megan Fox. Not in a "I'm a gorgeous celebrity with a I-know-I'm-hot attitude" comparison (no offence to MF), but in a "Why is it that she's so perfect?" kind of way.

The funny thing is, M is one of those girls who you see walking down the street looking absolutely gorgeous even in a pair of sweatpants and a GAP jumper. This isn't the first time I've heard a friend or two complain about their looks when they're in no place necessary. Sure, one could always lose a few pounds and tone up, or fix their eyebrows to better suit their face, but why on earth would you compare yourself to someone who has a personal trainer, stylist, hair stylist, and makeup artist following them at all times? Throw in millions of bucks and we'd all be pristine!

Coming from someone who used to read through her older sisters magazines as a child until the pages were all crinkly and all the make up and perfumes samples were used and abused, I've done my fair share of gazing at the "beautiful people".
Even to the point where I'd be sitting in a cafe enjoying a hobby of people-watching and mentally comment about what passers-by are wearing. From clothes to hair styles to makeup, I sometimes find myself listing out things I see that I love and some I feel like screaming out "What were you thinking?!". Then again, I've never admitted that before. For two reasons:
1- That's just bitchy.
2- Even though I know almost everyone else does it, it's still "inappropriate".
...3- And it's just mean, I'm holding myself back from it now! ... As much as I can anyway, how can anyone still wear purple lipliner with orange lipstick?! GAH!

But the sad thing is, you know people are doing the same with you!
I was talking with a male friend last week who has a habit of noticing ladies' legs (common), and he personally admitted himself that he's held himself back from yelling out "GYM TIME, LADY!". This almost made me snort out my capuccino from laughing, but it got me thinking:
Has the media set the standard for beauty so high that we judge everything below the belt as "tasteless, lazy, or ugly"??
We all know the photographs in the magazines have the shit Photoshopped out of them, but do we filter that factor out when we look at ourselves?

Has it gone so far that we think that the slight difference in eye shape makes us look cross eyed? 'LOOK OUT, HERE COMES THE CROSS EYED MONSTAH!'

Geez. I honestly believe women and men need to stop worrying about being that person in the magazine and just work to being the best version of themselves. (Prepare for cheesey over-used line) No point in trying to be anyone else, they're all taken! (oh lord, I just typed that..)

Point being, be yourself, but not where you say "oh, ok" and spend a week in the same sweatpants pitying the fact that your face isn't clear or that your ass is a little flabby(But squeezes with fix that right up). Got a problem? Fix it.

What are your little cons you want to change about yourself?
Mine? Reach my goal weight by March. I started out wanting to lose 20 kilos, I'm already 5 kilos down :)

One more thing for those dealing with weight: IT'S GONNA TAKE TIME, DON'T LET IT DRIVE YOU NUTS WHEN YOU DON'T LOSE 4 POUNDS EVERY WEEK!

That's something I needed to repeat to myself every day so I don't just sit back down on my ass and give up! Not this time, Nutella jar! ;)

Anyway, I'm off to get back to work. Let me know what your naughty habits are and what you're planning to do to change them for the better!


1 comment:

  1. "Naughty habits"? ;A; too many Salma, just too many>< I was bitten by radioactive Sloth so...XD Mmm I need to write traing plan...otherwise I will too indulgent for myself.
