Well hello humans..
I'm in a dapper mood right now because I have just jumped on the scale and have seem to have dropped about 8-9 kilos since new years :)
And I didn't even notice! The surprise was honestly something that gave me a big motivational PUSH to work even harder because I am THIS much closer to get to my goal weight :)
On another note:
I've been off the radar because I just moved houses and the packing/unpacking situation is a hella lot to deal with. Especially when you're taking care of family.
Soon enough though, I will have a break from exams and (house)work and will be able to concentrate on my actual work AND finally putting some effotr into a video tutorial.
I know I keep saying I'm going to start but in all honesty, I have no time. I barely have time for uni as it is with everything thats going on, so just hold your horses, alrighty?
That being said, I've got 14 chapters to read for an exam tomorrow and not enough caffeine in my system to do it!
Post something a little more interesting soon, promise :)
Maybe something about eyeliner ...
xxxx -S
I'm in a dapper mood right now because I have just jumped on the scale and have seem to have dropped about 8-9 kilos since new years :)
And I didn't even notice! The surprise was honestly something that gave me a big motivational PUSH to work even harder because I am THIS much closer to get to my goal weight :)
On another note:
I've been off the radar because I just moved houses and the packing/unpacking situation is a hella lot to deal with. Especially when you're taking care of family.
Soon enough though, I will have a break from exams and (house)work and will be able to concentrate on my actual work AND finally putting some effotr into a video tutorial.
I know I keep saying I'm going to start but in all honesty, I have no time. I barely have time for uni as it is with everything thats going on, so just hold your horses, alrighty?
That being said, I've got 14 chapters to read for an exam tomorrow and not enough caffeine in my system to do it!
Post something a little more interesting soon, promise :)
Maybe something about eyeliner ...
xxxx -S